Excellence Dental Studio

+355692084004 / +355692097900 info@studiodentare.com


Straight and beatiful teeth

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with the management and regulation of the placement of teeth, dental anomalies in dental alignment .

Modern Orthodontics powered the green light in the straighten of the teeth in either all ages , giving an aesthetic natural opportunity without prosthetic and surgical intervention .

Straight Teeth beautifully aligned in the mouth are important indicators in determining a beautiful smile .

A beautiful smile is an advantage in professional and private relationships .
Straight and beatiful teeth affect not only directly our health but also give us self-confidence .


Various dental abnormalities are problems not only aesthetic nature , but in many cases the cause of tooth decay and different periodontal disease.

Currently thanks to fixed appliances not only the treatment time is shortened up to 2 years on average , but the cosmetic effects are more obvious than in conventional techniques .

Thanks to the use of transparent materials , resin white, sapphire , fixed appliances are virtually invisible and are not aesthetic barrier for patients .